University of Lodz

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The University of Lodz focuses on conducting research to solve social and economic problems and to create know-how to implement these solutions on a regional and global scale. The priority of the University of Lodz is to strive for scientific excellence through constant improvement of research potential. At the University of Lodz, basic and applied research is conducted in cooperation with national and international partners in interdisciplinary priority research areas: ”Promised land 2.0. (Micro)Communities towards civilization challenges in the era of globalization”, “Experimental science in the service of safe and healthy societies”, “Centers of genetic and cultural diversity. From near to distant heritages. Undiscovered potential”. 

The University of Lodz is an active partner of business. Through the conducted research, implementation doctorates, publications and patents, it supports the economy by providing effective solutions. As the creator of the Tadeusz Kotarbiński Award, the University integrates the community of Polish humanists. As a patron of culture, it leads a number of its own initiatives and co-organizes events and festivals of the international range. It works with the people of Lodz and for the people of Lodz, by engaging in scientific, business, social, and cultural projects it builds and develops a multicultural, creative, and inclusive city of Lodz.

The University of Lodz educates curious about the world, engaged citizens. It consistently supports students, participants of doctoral schools, and employees in the implementation of original and bold research ideas. It is an attractive place for study for Polish and foreign students (3rd place in Poland in terms of the number of foreign students) and participants of doctoral schools.

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