Results of our studies were presented at the ESC Congress 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Air pollution and cardiovascular mortality in Poland: a panel time-series analysis of 80 million person-years (EP-PARTICLES study)



Results of our studies were presented at the ESC Congress 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Air pollution and cardiovascular mortality in Poland: a panel time-series analysis of 80 million person-years (EP-PARTICLES study)

 Air pollution is one of the leading environmental risk factors affecting the population worldwide. Studies so far mostly analyzed urban and industrial areas excluding smaller towns and villages due to a lack of monitoring stations and recognition of these areas as potentially free from pollution. Our analysis focuses on Eastern Poland, one of the poorest regions of the EU, with a population of nearly 8 million people with almost half living in rural areas. We investigate the impact of “Polish smog” a new type of air pollution which – due to its composition and the conditions in which it is formed – is characterized by extremely adverse cardiovascular health effects.

What are the main findings of our work?

The mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases continues to rise. Our study highlights the negative impact of air pollution, both in the short and long term. Areas previously assumed to be free from pollution may actually be at high risk, emphasizing the need for careful monitoring of air quality. Further research should focus on identifying the most vulnerable areas and developing effective strategies to prevent the adverse health effects of air pollution on public health.


Analysis of short- and medium-term influence of Polish smog on atherothrombotic cardiovascular diseases in 709 counties in Eastern Europe – preliminary results (EP-Particles study)

 Polish smog is a specific type of air pollution characterized by high concentrations of particulate matters and benzo(a)pyrene, which causes exceptionally adverse cardiovascular effects. In Eastern Europe, this is a problem in large cities and also small towns, where residents’ suboptimal heating choices lead to poor air quality. Moreover, myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke are one of the most common causes of emergency hospitalizations in this area.

What are the main findings of our work?

Polish smog has a detrimental influence on the incidence of atherothrombotic diseases as a result of the toxic effects of mainly particulate matters and also other air pollutants. Exposure to air pollution can act as a trigger for STEMI and ischemic stroke. Furthermore, medium-term exposure also increases the risk of STEMI and ischemic stroke occurrence, most likely due to cumulative doses of air pollutants.


Influence of air pollution on NSTEMI incidence and acute coronary syndrome mortality – the 10-year community-level analysis including 80 million patient-years. EP-PARTICLES study

 During the last years, air pollution has emerged as an important modifiable cardiovascular risk factor. Most research focused on heavy-polluted agglomerations and big cities, neglecting its influence on cardiovascular health in smaller cities and villages. The study aimed to assess the spatio-temporal trends and the influence of air pollution on the non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction incidence and acute coronary syndrome mortality in an urban and rural environment

What are the main findings of our work?

An increase in most of the major air pollutants concentrations have an influence on NSTEMI incidence. Different lag patterns for air pollutants suggest various mechanisms of detrimental effect. Cause-specific mortality analysis showed the results mostly opposite to incidence analysis. It suggests that a high rate of garbage codes may prevent high-quality population analysis focusing on cause-specific mortality. The development of air quality monitoring stations and the correct use of ICD-10 diagnoses may be crucial in drawing important conclusions from environmental studies.


Mid and long-term effects of air pollution on cardiovascular outcomes: estimating risk with the PM-years index (EP-PARTICLES study)

 Scores and medical calculators are important tools for planning health strategies. Air pollution is one of the main risk factors, especially for the cardiovascular system. In this study, we present and test our concept of estimating the risk associated with exposure to air pollution: Particulate Matters years index (PM-years index).

What are the main findings of our work?

The PM-years index is an independent predictor of major cardiovascular events and neoplasm mortality in patients. It can be used as a tool for risk stratification for patients or incorporated into a prediction model to improve efficacy in primary and secondary prevention. Moreover, the level of long-term exposure can allow for the adjustment of appropriate primary and secondary prevention schemes.


The air we breathe in – the impact of air pollution on hospitalized morbidity due to atrial fibrillation (EP-PARTICLES study)

 Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia and environmental conditions are one of its risk factors. While the etiology of atrial fibrillation is multifactorial and includes other cardiovascular diseases like heart failure, some studies suggest that air pollution may play an important role in its development and progression. So far, they focus on the short-term influence of pollutants and mainly on particulate matters. Moreover, the type of pollution that occurs in Poland, called “Polish smog” – due to its composition and the conditions in which it is formed – is characterized by extremely adverse health effects.

What are the main findings of our work?

Variations in air pollution levels, especially BaP and PM2.5, can increase the risk of acute atrial fibrillation incidents. We associate these pronounced adverse health effects with the particularly toxic effects of Polish smog. There is a need for further research that will focus on the mid– and long–term effects of pollution on atrial fibrillation which will help to elucidate the underlying pathomechanisms and develop effective strategies for prevention. Reducing air pollution levels may have significant public health benefits in terms of lowering the burden of atrial fibrillation and other cardiovascular diseases.


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